The homemade savings facility The mattress, the jug, the sock, and the hole in the floorboards are all losing favour as savings facilities. However, a study of them does give an excellent opportunity to apply the criteria just discussed, by which a savings facility can be evaluated. There is little doubt that saving in the mattress is very liquid. 

When you want money, you put your hand in and pull the money out. There are no charges involved and the method is highly convenient. It has many disadvantages, however. The most obvious is the low safety this method provides. In addition it provides no earnings, no special services, and it must certainly cause the saver a lot of worry, in addition to reducing the comfort of the mattress and attracting mice!

Fortunately this method of saving is losing favour, as more and more people realise that the banks are better. As a savings facility, it would be used only by those afraid to let anyone know that they had the money or by someone with a complete distrust of savings institutions of all kinds.